I really do like going to the park....

No, I didn't eat mommy's ice cream sandwich!!!!!!

OK, maybe I did eat her ice cream sandwich

Yes, I know I'm beautiful.

Who turned out the lights????

Where did everybody go????

My "sink bath"

Don't be lookin' at my fat rolls!!!!!!!

Dad, did you put me some Dr. Pepper in this cup????
Yes dad, of course I like the Yankees, now get me some Dr. Pepper!!!!

Hey, I said don't be lookin' at my fat rolls!!!!!!!

Bananas, I didn't see any bananas

Mommy putting in my first "pretties"

Me and my sweet grate granny

Me sleeping in my bouncy seat

I love my baby doll

Well, if I were to tell you that this has been the easiest 2 months ever, I'd be lying....Natalie came home a very fussy baby. Now that she's been home for a while now and we've watched her personality blossom, I can honestly tell you that she really did have a rough time with adjustment. She cried more than she did anything else the first 2 weeks. After that, I honestly just could not put her down or leave her side. I went through grieving my freedom....I honestly really couldn't put her down. I grieved not getting to spend time with my other 2 kids, with my husband, and not having time to eat, let alone take a shower. So, the 1st 2 months have really not been easy, but I wouldn't change a thing. I can also honestly say that things are getting easier. Natalie is now only awake 1-2 times at night, yes, she still sleeps with me, and will let me put her down for about 30 minutes now. She has grown very comfortable in her new home and with her family. She obvioustly knows that we are her forever family. She smiles all the time and laughes so easily. She now doses off to sleep easily and wakes up to give everyone a big smile and coos. We are so blessed. Through our hardship, we've learned so much about our new little girl, and we know that she is meant to be here...in OUR family. Natalie, what a blessing it is to know you so intimately, thank you for teaching us all about you.
Things that I've learned about Natalie so far
Here is what Natalie has told me:
I love to take a bath
I love to splash the water
I love my big brother and sister
I love to sing and be sung to
I'm happiest in the mornings
I'm very flexible!!!!!!!!!!!
I love to play
I love to be close to my mommy
I know my name is now Natalie
I love to eat what mommy's eating
I can sit quietly and get my hair done
I love to look at pictures
I love to be read to
I love the color red
I love my bouncy seat
I hate to be alone
I hate getting my new earrings cleaned
I hate getting dressed
On Natalie's 6 month old birthday we got her ears pierced. Wow, that was tough. I dreaded it so bad. We went to Claire's where Ashley got her ears pierced a long time ago, and they were able to do both ears at once. She screamed about 20 seconds and then was just fine. Her big, protective brother was completely against the whole idea, and yes, he was with us. He said, "Your're not really going to do this to her are you?" When I said, "yes dear, we are", he was VERY upset with me. Once I sat down in the seat with Natalie in my lap, ready to get the "dirty deed" done, he stood in front of her to hold her hand, but just as they were getting ready to put the earrings through, he stepped away, and said, "I just can't watch". Oh what a great big brother you have Natalie. I think he cried more than Natalie did.
Our second doctors visit has now came and gone. Natalie was so excited to be at the doctor's office. All the staff have to come out and see her one at a time and make over her. She loves it because they don't overwhelm her. But then they had to bring out the needles, she then didn't like those people very much. She gained nearly 4 pounds, yes, nearly 4 pounds in the 5 weeks between her appointments. 3 pounds, 8 ounces to be exact, and grew 1 inch. She's definately became quite a little chunk.
She also knows who her family is. She wont let anyone hold her but our immediate family: only mom, dad, bubby and sissy, can hold her. I love attachment!!!!!!!!!! What a blessing this past two months have been and what great time I've had reliving it in this post. Hope you all enjoy it half as much as I have.
Blessings to you all!!!!!!!!!!